It is the influence of irresponsible PR campaigns and lack of competitive voices that drive consumers to believe that sticking with these companies is best for them. This is irrational given the factual information we have on price differences not only between competing companies in the country, but compared to other countries. These stories, in the form of advertising and PR campaigns, are relayed through mass media outlets for a desired effect. In the debate for a set-aside to allow space for new entrants in the market to acquire spectrum, Rogers argued that:
“Canadian consumers are very satisfied with their choice of Canadian providers, pricing plans and technology options. Consumers are the first to object in the face of poor competition among service providers, yet surveys indicate the exact opposite sentiment.” (Geist)
Thankfully, the Canadian Government rejected these unsubstantiated arguments and allowed a set-aside which led to new market entries such as Wind Mobile and Mobilicity. The results of the last spectrum option allowed for increased competition and reduced bills and fees for Canadian consumers. However, is this auction actually as open as they say? With the current policy for foreign investment and ownership, the auction is actually closed to foreign options which may improve the current landscape. Rogers recently put out a campaign called “I want my LTE!” which urged customers to sign for more competitive prices and better service. The campaign was an effort to convince customers that putting another “set aside” for smaller, new entrants in the auctions for 700 MHz spectrum is unfair. They claim that excluding Rogers from this bid will have a major negative impact on the distribution of LTE across the country and will stall innovation. However, the campaign is actually a plea for Rogers to take the entire spectrum, along with Bell and TELUS, for themselves. They want to eliminate competitors by protesting the “set aside” since Rogers, Bell and TELUS all have the resources to outbid any smaller company in the auction, allowing them to buy the entire spectrum, and potentially sell it to smaller companies at a higher price. This type of behaviour could raise service prices across the board. Their arguments come as no surprise of course, since there have been studies and reports on the effects of competition on their bottom lines. This is how we have arrived at highly overpriced telecommunications services.